Additional Information

Sunday School

There are currently no lessons.

Orthodox Religious Education

Иоанн Богослов. Икона церкви села Кривое, XIV в. Третьяковская галерея.

Your school-aged children can also take Orthodox religious lessons during school hours. This possibility exists in community education (Gemeenschapsonderwijs).

Applications are best made during the main holidays (at the latest during the first week of the school year). No school can refuse your application.

If you have any questions, please contact the rector of the church (Archpriest Gennady Katamashvili).


There is a small collection of books and DVDs about Orthodoxy and related topics in the parish library. The library is free of charge and opens on Sundays about 30 minutes before and after the services and further only by appointment.

Donations of Orthodox books or DVDs for the library will be much appreciated.

View our catalogue (pdf-file).

Useful and interesting links: